How to create a single event in Crashtag

Crashtag has two primary ways to create events, creating a single event, and bulk import of events. We will look at how to create a single event in this article.

The Events menu has four items:

  1. Listed Events - these are official events that the ASN has listed in the system.
  2. Unlisted Events - in the future, Crashtag will allow users at events not listed by the ASN to create an unlisted event. Unlisted events could come from events that are not sanctioned by the ASN sanctioning body for that country, or the ASN may have simply forgotten to upload the event to Crashtag.
  3. In-Review Events - these are typically completed events that the organiser/administrator has locked to complete any incident and injury reporting submitted. 
  4. Completed Events -these are events that have completed reviews.


How to Create an Event:


Step One & Two:

Click on Events > Listed Events


Create an Event step 1 & 2


Step Three:

Click on the Create Event Button


Create an Event step 3


Crashtag will display the event information screen. Here you can create a new event. The following information is required for a valid event:

  1. Event Name
  2. Location (I recommend entering a track/park and location)
  3. ASN ID (this must be unique)
  4. Event Type (National, State, Multi-Club, Club & International)
  5. Competition Type (Rally, Offroad, Circuit Race, Speed event, Non-Speed Event, Hill Climb & Cross-Country)
  6. Competition Surface (Tarmac, Gravel, Dirt, Sand, Grass & Mixed)
  7. Event Description
  8. Start and End Date
  9. Timezone

Create Event Fields

Other details such as distance, competitors, organisers and first aid facilities at the event are optional. However, adding these details will help in the future for data analysis, so please add these details if possible. Please note, selecting Rally as the event will add more questions such as Rally Type and progression monitoring. 


Once you have completed all the event details, click Submit. If the event was created successfully, the event will display in the event overview and will be available on the Apps. 


Create Event



In the future, Crashtag will be adding the ability to have sub-events within events which will be useful for large events that have support categories such as a Formula One event also hosting Formula Two and the Porsche Supercup. If you have any other suggestions for features that could be added to improve event creation, please contact us.