Crashtag App

Crashtag Administration System

The Crashtag Administration system is the place you can add new events, manage your account holders, create new questions, delete old questions, set vehicle sketches and much more.....




Creating Users

As an Administrator of Crashtag, you can invite users to sign up for Crashtag. The Bulk Upload Peopl...

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Administration System Overview

Watch this short overview video to learn the high-level features of the Administration System. Remember, only ASN Administrators will have access to most of these features and capabilities...

Lesson 1 01:50


Managing People - Accounts

Crashtag allows you to manage customer accounts. You have the ability to invite, disable and modify accounts as an Administrator. The system also allows you to reset a Customers password and other functionality...

Lesson 2 01:47


Managing Vehicles

Most ASNs have different requirements for vehicles. Crashtag makes this easy with a configurable vehicle editor. Watch this tutorial to learn how to add, edit and delete vehicles in your Crashtag Administration System...

Lesson 3 01:37


Managing Questions

All questions in Crashtag are configurable, you can add, edit, or delete any questions. Watch this tutorial to learn how to configure your Crashtag questions to suit your ASN.

Lesson 4 01:52


Settings Overview

Most settings for Crashtag will be configured for you out of the box. However, Administrators can change some settings in Crashtag such as SMS lists, your logo and some other settings....

Lesson 5 02:54


View Submissions - Reports

The goal of Crashtag is to move away from paper reporting to digital reporting. All reports created in Crashtag will be available for viewing by ASN Administrators, Events Organisers and Medical account holders...

Lesson 6 00:41


Creating Users

As an Administrator of Crashtag, you can invite users to sign up for Crashtag. The Bulk Upload People feature allows you to invite multiple people at once...

Lesson 7 01:01